ReluxTunnel –
Measurement ranges

Prior to the calculation, it is not necessary to position any measurement ranges to calculate the relevant lighting engineering variables, since the three measurement ranges of " Adaptation" , " Entrance"  and "I nterior"  are created automatically during the first calculation.

The three measurement ranges differ on the basis of the length, position, calculated values and observer principle.

Automatically-created measurement ranges

The  " Adaptation" measurement range takes the whole adaptation section into account, and since changeable luminance occur in this area, it does not make sense to calculate a mean value or overall and longitudinal uniformities. These calculations are thus not performed or output. In addition, the principle of a moving observer is adopted, in other words, the observer always looks at the point being calculated at an angle of 1°. With an observer height of 1.5 m, this gives a distance of approx. 86 m.

The " Entrance"  measurement range takes part of threshold zone 1 into account, while the Interior measurement range covers part of the interior zone.  Constant luminance occur in these two areas, which means that it makes sense to calculate a mean value and the overall and longitudinal uniformity. These calculations are thus performed and the values output. In addition, the principle of a fixed observer is employed. In other words, the observer is located 60 m away from the measurement range. 

Since the position of the measurement ranges depends on the position of the luminaires, the position of the measurement range is similarly specified anew each time there is any change in the luminaire positions. It is also possible to compile your own measurement ranges. To do this, you should go to the  " Scene" bar and click on the " Tunnel structure"  option with the right mouse button, so that the context menu opens. You should select the "New measurement range" option:

Creating a new measurement range

You can then enter the name, the starting point, the length, the number of calculation points and the calculation specifications. In the case of the calculation specifications, you have the options, in the  "Actualisation [Update]" field: "Manual", "Always create new" and "Correct length and X-Position"

The " Manual"  option means that once parameters have been entered, they remain fixed for each calculation. 

The " Always create new" option means that all the parameters will be adapted to the new requirements for each new calculation (e.g. with an increased distance between the luminaires, the length of the measurement range and the number of calculation points can also be increased). 

The " Correct length and X-Position"  option means that the length and position of the measurement range will be aligned, but the number of calculation points will remain the same.

In the " Observer"  input field, you have the options of " Manual", "Each lane" and "Just right lane".  The " Manual"   option means that the observer can be positioned as required. With the " Each lane"  option, an observer is placed on the middle of each lane. The  " Just right lane"  option means that an observer is only positioned in the middle of the right lane.

In the " Moving observer"  input field, the options of " Yes"  and "N o"  are available. The " Yes"  option means that the principle of a moving observer is adopted, i.e. the observer moves with the calculation points. The observer always looks at the point being calculated at an angle of 1°. With an observer height of 1.5 m, this gives a fixed distance of approx. 86 m from the calculation point. The " No" option means that the principle of a fixed observer is adopted, i.e. the observer is positioned 60 m from the measurement range.

Overview of ReluxTunnel


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