ReluxEnergyCH –
Insert luminaire types

Learn how to insert different luminaire types.

All the luminaires used in the project are entered here:

For the " Leuchtennamen  (luminaire names)" a suitable designation is selected, which permits the unambiguous identification of the selected luminaire type. 

This name appears in the selection list (room book). If a MINERGIE® certified luminaire is used, the corresponding box is checked and the " Zertifizierungsnummer"  (certification number) entered. A choice of six " Lampentypen  (lamp types)" is available. 

In our case, we work exclusively with LED Leuchtmitteln (LED light sources). 


If you want to add all luminaire types automatically but don't want to waste time on creating whole scenes, you can do the following:

1. Create a standard room in ReluxDesktop.

2. Under " Products" > "Luminaires" you can add all the required luminaires into the project. 

3. Add all the luminaires into the scene. Save the project.

4. Import the ReluxDesktop project as described in the article about configuring typical rooms.

5. By importing the project into your ReluxEnergyCH, you also import the luminaires which you can assign to the other rooms.

6. After assigning the luminaires to the other rooms you may delete the room which was imported.

Overview of ReluxEnergyCH


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