ReluxEnergyCH – Configuring the typical rooms

Configure rooms with the same parameters.

A typical room stands for a number of rooms in a building that have the same use and comparable room parameters. 

To import a Relux project, click on the "Import a Relux project"  symbol . Calling this up starts the file selection dialog which is used to search and adopt the corresponding files with the ending ".rdf".                                              

In an additional selection menu, it is possible to specify which rooms are to be adopted from a Relux project. 

In general, all scenes (rooms) can be imported, but here it makes sense to import the specific room types (e.g 40 rooms in a project, whereas 20 of them are identical). 

By selecting " OK",  you can now insert all the rooms from the Relux project into ReluxEnergyCH.

Note: Alternatively, you can find this dialog by calling up the menu:  "Extras" > "Relux Projekt importieren(import Relux project)". The key combination  "Ctrl + I" will also open the dialog.

When the rooms are imported from ReluxDesktop, a " Typischer Raum  (typical room)" and an entry in the " Raumbuch  (room book)" will automatically be created. 

At the same time, the " Leuchten  (luminaires)" will also be included in the luminaires list.

All the information taken over from Relux will be marked with the symbol 

The " Pflichtfeld Standardnutzung  (compulsory box for standard use)" contains the standard uses as per SIA Information Sheet 2024. 

The standard uses are allocated a fixed  "Beleuchtungsstärke  (illuminance)" and " Nutzungsstunden  (hours of use)".

Allocate the " Standardnutzung  (standard use)" to the individual rooms, as shown on the lower Fig. above.

Overview of ReluxEnergyCH


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