ReluxTunnel | Planning in ReluxTunnel

Regulating steps

After selecting the luminaires, or when the regulating steps dialog is opened for the first time, the Configure luminaire controlling window will appear automatically. 

After selecting the luminaires, or when the regulating steps dialog is opened for the first time, the  Configure luminaire controlling  window will appear automatically. 

Here, you can select the kind of control and the number of regulating steps for the adaptation and interior lighting. Relux Tunnel currently supports three control types.

  • Switch (On/Off)
  • Switch (On/50%/Off)
  • Free dimming (cannot be selected, since not relevant for the calculation)

Specifying the regulating steps and control groups

After the desired parameters have been entered, you should close the window with the  OK  button. The  Options  window with the  Regulating steps  dialog will then open.

Specifying the regulating steps

Here, you can specify the luminous fluxes of the luminaires for the individual regulating steps, as a function of what has been specified (100%, 50% or off), 

or you can enter individual values in the field.


Determining the luminous flux in line with the specified value (left) or individually (right)

The particular regulating step to be calculated is determined by placing a tick in the  Calculate  line. 

Once the desired parameters have been entered, the window is closed with the  OK  button, and a row of luminaires will be placed automatically. 

This will be shown as Group 1 in the  Scene bar  (project) and also in the  ReluxTunnel ribbon bar  and will additionally be visible on the floor plan or in the 3D view.

At a subsequent point in time, the   icon can be used to open the Options window and the  Regulating steps  dialog directly in the  Tunnel  bar. 

You can use the  Configure  button to open the  Configure luminaire controlling  window.

Note:  A control group can contain different types of luminaire. You will see which luminaire type in a control group is mounted at which point 

from the  “Luminaire list”  once the calculation has been performed.

Luminaire list and control groups

Video Resources  

Realtime Rendering - Screen Capture


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