ReluxDesktop | Interior

Holes in a partition wall

An indoor room is to be modelled, which is divided up into two offices and a corridor by means of partition walls.

How to add cut-outs in walls

An indoor room is to be modelled, which is divided up into two offices and a corridor by means of partition walls. 

The offices are to be accessible from the corridor through an opening. 

One of the offices is additionally to have a hatch between the office and the corridor for serving customers.

Example of cut-outs in a partition wall.

Model the partition wall and the cut-outs in the wall in the form of Relux partitions and Relux cuboids.

Create the Boolean difference between the partition wall and the cut-outs in the wall.

On this video tutorial you can see further examples of cutouts by using the boolean group function.

ReluxDesktop - Practical examples of boolean groups (short tutorial)

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