ReluxDesktop – Import a gbXML file as a scene

Learn how to import the Green Building XML file format.

The Green Building XML format (gbXML) has been designed as an open data format. 

GbXML allows you to easily transfer building data (building hierarchy, geometry, daylight openings, doors, etc.) from Building Information Models (BIM)  to engineering or analysis software.

Currently, GbXML is being integrated into a variety of CAD programs and Engineering Tools and supported by leading 3D BIM vendors.

ReluxDesktop provides, like the CAD Import - two different possibilities of importing gbXML files. The first option involves selecting the option  “Project Import”  in the Start menu and then creating several new scenes. Any  existing doors or windows are placed at the same time. 

The second option is to import more gbXML data into an existing project. 

Follow the  “New project > Interior with 3D information” .


Supplemented Start dialog window

Clicking on the option “Interior with 3D information” opens up the input window for the project data.

Dialog window 
“Enter Project data”.

As early as the next step, a gbXML file can be imported in the menu  “Import Room” .

Dialog window  “Import Room”.

Other preparations or creating the building hierarchy ( Building > Floor > Scene ) is not necessary because all scenes are already assigned to their floors when importing .

Dialog window  “Import gbXML”.

Furthermore, all the scenes in the plan view are placed in their correct positions, allowing the user a rapid overview of all floors along with the scenes.

Floor overview of ReluxDesktop.

To start planning for individual scenes, it is necessary to move from the floor overview into a single scene. 

By double-clicking a room enclosing wall, switch into the desired scene and enable the editing mode. 

The menu group “Project” allows you to switch back into the floor overview if necessary.

Menu group 

In this menu  a combo is located in the middle. A list of all available levels and scenes gets displayed upon selecting.

Here, you can select individual rooms or switch between the floors of a building.

Combo box 
in the menu group  “Project”.

The following two figures show the view of a ground plan in the floor overview, and then in the editing mode of a scene.

View of a floor plan in the floor overview.

Editing mode of a scene in the floor plan.

The following two figures show the view of the respective 3D view in the floor plan overview and then in the editing mode of a scene.

Editing mode of a scene in the 3D view.

View of a 3D view in the floor overview.

A double-click on the room enclosing wall a currently active scene (editing mode) opens up as usual the dialog  “Properties”

In the four different tabs, various parameters such as name, location, and northern angle, target values, measuring surfaces, structure and reflectance can be viewed and changed if necessary (see following five figures).

“Properties”   of the scene.    

Real-time rendering in ReluxDesktop


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