New Member - Schmidt-Strahl

New Member - Schmidt-Strahl

We are delighted that Schmidt-Strahl has joined the RELUX brand portfolio as a new member. You can explore Schmidt-Strahl products on ReluxNet and incorporate their range of luminaires into your projects. 

To make the most of your lighting planning experience, please update to the latest version of ReluxDesktop 2024.2. Additionally, the Schmidt-Strahl products are now directly accessible in ReluxDesktop.

Thanks to RELUX Members, ReluxDesktop is free of charge for all purposes. 

Products from Schmidt-Strahl on ReluxNet

Intelligent. Flexible. Made in Germany.
Schmidt-Strahl is a leading company in the development and production of innovative lighting solutions with the highest quality standards.

Their lighting systems for industry, municipalities, and local authorities, as well as for transport networks and sports facility operators, combine the latest smart technologies with high-quality, durable materials. Additionally, Schmidt-Strahl is a Q1 supplier to Deutsche Bahn AG for a range of technical lighting products for both indoor and outdoor use.

In product development, every detail is meticulously planned with regard to light quality, design, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness. The company’s local manufacturing facility produces lighting systems with excellent performance values, tailored flexibly to your individual requirements.

Their extensive experience is also evident in the comprehensive consultation and lighting design services they offer for bespoke lighting projects. Whether it's a large-scale challenge or a specialised solution, Schmidt-Strahl is the right choice in every area of the lighting industry.

With their dedicated and highly skilled employees, as well as specialised partners, Schmidt-Strahl provides close, personal, and reliable support with short response times.

Efficient lighting for platforms and station entrances

To the case on the Website of Schmidt-Strahl

Sports facilities with LED floodlights
To the case on the Website of Schmidt-Strahl

Download ReluxDesktop

Update or download to the latest ReluxDesktop version to take advantage of the latest features, such as the 3D real-time renderer.


New Member - Schmidt-Strahl
Relux Informatik AG, Thomas Rüegg 14 August, 2024
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