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ReluxNet® BIM-ready product library

Kurt Bieri

Product selection is performed with the aid of the ReluxNet® online catalogue.

At present, more than 200,000 products are available for planning work from the 100 most important manufacturers in Europe. 

These are comprehensive commercial and technical product descriptions with the corresponding symbols and 3D geometries.

A free account is required to download Revit Family files on ReluxNet®. You will find more about this under ReluxNet® 

The Relux company is represented on a large number of international bodies as a BIM coordinator for the luminaire and sensor industry 

and is continually expanding the BIM standard for this market.

At present, the Relux add-on only takes Revit Family files into account that are on ReluxNet® or ones that have been entered with a link 

to the websites of a number of Relux members.

Search for suitable products and adopt these by pressing on the menu button Open in Revit.

A number of luminaires have already been adopted and positioned in the example set out below.

The coarse presentation in Revit shows the 2D symbols of the products. The medium and fine displays show the corresponding 3D geometry of the products.

A small number of manufacturers only supply a box or a cylinder for their models instead of real 3D geometries. 

To ensure that you nonetheless obtain 3D geometries, you should set the 3D File filter prior to the product search in ReluxNet®.

At the moment, ReluxNet® contains primarily surface models. This may look not quite right in the coarse view or in other view modes. 

As can be seen in the picture below, this does not impair the renderings at all. You will find more on this subject under Meshes vs. Solids.

Products from ReluxNet® can contain variants that influence the light distribution curves, luminous flux and power consumption. 

There are luminaires that come in more than 20 variants. 

To ensure that users can still retain an overview here, the Relux add-on has a configurator that is explained in more detail in the article Product configurator.